Manhattan named “Contractor of the Year” by APWA
FAIRFAX, Va. – The Virginia/DC/Maryland Chapter of the American Public Works Association (APWA) has named Manhattan Construction Company “Contractor of the Year” for work performed on the Public Safety Transportation and Operations Center & Forensic Facility (PSTOC) project in Fairfax, Virginia.
The award document states, “Manhattan took on extra work added to the project while maintaining the overall project schedule. The quality of work exceeded expectations. Manhattan also completed this large and challenging project without any lost time accidents.”
The PSTOC project included the concurrent construction of two buildings with different delivery schedules, linked by an on-grade enclosed pedestrian bridge. The 93,000 square foot facility has integrated IT systems, video monitoring wall linked to 125 CCTV traffic cameras, laboratories, and other computerized systems to support multiple local, state, and regional government agencies including Department of Public Safety 9-1-1 Center, Office of Emergency Management Emergency Operations Center, VDOT Northern Virginia Smart Traffic Center (STC) and Smart Traffic Signal System (STSS), and Virginia State Police call-talkers and dispatchers.
The American Public Works Association is an international educational and professional association of public agencies, private sector companies, and individuals dedicated to providing high quality public works goods and services.