Manhattan Road and Bridge reconstructed and widened 1.5 miles of I-40 to 6 lanes. The corresponding interchanges were reconfigured for safety. The project included six bridges, 12 MSE walls, four cast-in-place concrete retaining walls, 100,000 CY of earthwork, 40,000 CY of concrete pavement, and 20,000 LF of storm sewer installation. This project was named a …
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Manhattan Road & Bridge Company team members performed approximately 750,000 work hours combined on the Oklahoma City Crosstown Expressway projects. The bridge construction types include post-tensioned, cast-in-place box girders, pre-stressed concrete beams and structural steel. Other work included paved ditches, erosion control, reinforced box culverts, asphalt and concrete paving, lighting and traffic control devices. Both railroads …
Perched over the new Interstate 40 (Crosstown Expressway) near Robinson Avenue on the South side of the downtown Oklahoma City area, the SkyDance Bridge represents a soaring monument and landmark to the vision of Oklahoma City. The bridge is centered in the heart of the Oklahoma City MAP 3 downtown park project, connecting pedestrians to …