Phase I of the Broken Arrow Public Schools | Freshman Academy expansion consists of adding a new Media Center, Main Office, Science Labs, Chromebook Station and light remodel to several classrooms. With the student population increasing each year there is a surge in student traffic throughout the building and campus, causing the need for this …
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The University of Oklahoma (OU) Storm Hardened Shelters project consists of two above ground, single-story storm shelters that will provide shelter for two dorms on campus, Couch Tower and Walker Tower. The two structures will be erected in precast concrete double tees and panels. The storm shelter at Walker Tower will be roughly 3,530 square …
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The Muskogee First Assembly Children’s Addition project includes a single story 20,000-square-foot addition to the existing facility. This unique project is being constructed during operational hours of the facility. The addition includes a full-service kitchen, 146-seat auditorium, twelve classrooms, game and arcade area, a play-area for young children, and lobby with a full-size carousel with …
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The renovation to the City of Naples Pier included replacing the decking and railing on the 1,000-linear foot pier. The pier was stripped down to the concrete pile caps and bents. New marine grade pressure treated lumber wood stringers were installed, with the remainder of the new pier being constructed out of IPE wood (also …
The Arvest Bank Parking Garage is a new four-story, 178-space precast parking garage located in downtown Tulsa. In addition to finished precast surfaces, the garage features storefront glass, metal panel trellis and extensive lighting. Two sky bridges connect the garage to Arvest’s current office building on the second and fourth levels.