Manhattan Torcon, JV (MTJV) is pleased to invite all interested trade partners to our outreach event to learn about the CDC Building 28 (B-28) High Containment Continuity Laboratory (HCCL) project opportunity.
Project Name: CDC Building 28 (B-28) High Containment Continuity Laboratory (HCCL)
Event Host: Manhattan Torcon, JV
Date: January 8, 2025
Time: 9:30 – 11:30 EST
Event Location: Roam Galleria 3101 Cobb Pkwy SE, Suite 124, Atlanta, GA
Event Purpose: This is an opportunity for interested trade partners to meet our team and schedule follow-up work sessions to discuss schedule, logistics, VDC and prefabrication requirements, supply chain tracking, pricing, and much more. Manhattan Torcon, JV seeks to exceed our diverse workforce composition and encourages all to attend.
The Building 28 (B-28) High Containment Continuity Laboratory (HCCL) will have a gross building area of approximately 175,000 square feet and will consist of bio-safety level (BSL) 3E and 4 laboratories and supporting infrastructure space. The HCCL is designed as a five-story building with a partial SSSB floor and an M2 mezzanine level above the M1 level. The HCCL facility has an expressed and solely dedicated purpose of providing high-containment research and diagnostic space to supplement other CDC science programs. Due to the uniqueness of this arrangement of program space, B28 only includes BSL-3E and BSL-4 high-containment laboratories.
The project’s site is fully contained within the CDC Roybal Campus, located at 1600 Clifton Road in Atlanta, Georgia. The site for the Building 28 (B28) construction encompasses approximately two acres. Building 28’s site is currently densely developed with a four-level structured parking deck and is surrounded by occupied buildings. The construction of Building 28 will require demolition and removal of the existing parking deck and driveway within the site area. Multiple utilities will be re-routed around the proposed work area to maintain service to adjacent facilities. There will be multiple new utility connections required to serve the proposed Building 28, including steam, chilled water, electrical duct banks, telecommunications duct banks, fuel oil, liquid nitrogen, and natural gas lines.
Non-Disclosure Agreements
In order to receive bid documents or other pertinent project information, trade partners will be required to sign Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) issued via DocuSign by Manhattan Torcon, JV. In addition to the project-specific NDA, Manhattan Torcon, JV will require trade partners to acknowledge NDAs on the BuildingConnected platform that prohibit the sharing or re-distribution of Manhattan Torcon, JV bidding material.
We encourage all interested trade partners to pre-qualify with us. This early pre-solicitation notice is also the perfect opportunity to begin the prequalification process with Manhattan Torcon, JV. If you are not currently prequalified with Manhattan Construction, request a pre-qualification packet here: